StereoCheckRM is an iPhone/iPad application designed to compute target parameters of the Riechert-Mundinger stereotactic apparatus. It is intended to be a second-check tool, that could be used in adition to the main planning system in order to avoid human mistakes.
StereoCheckRM is also a valuable educational tool for beginners in the field of stereotaxy.
The app uses the frontal and lateral fiducials, and does not consider the occipital fiducial.
The user can get the images taking a photo of the stereo-CT or stereo-MR or entering the image into the camera roll using any available way. Considering that most modern CT equipments are able to export a JPEG version of each slide, a simple way to get the desired images into the user device is to send that JPEG images attached to an email.
Only axial (transverse) slices can be used, there is no support for coronal or sagittal views. -
- Two calculation methods:
a) Use two CT or MR images that correspond to the target that must be reached during surgery and the trephination point (entry point).
b) Use an image, corresponding to the target, and directly entering the values of the angles SW and HW. - Mathematical algorithm that includes corrections for slanted and / or rotated images up to 5 degrees, as long as the 9 fiducials are present in the image.
- Send results by email from the application itself.
- Two calculation methods:
- This App does not access or use information from Contacts, Photos, or other APIs that access Users' Data without your permission.
- This App needs access to Photos in order to works properly. Photos used by the App are stored locally and they are not shared in any way by the App itself.
- If you contact our development team from the app using our support email, Mevis will save your email address for supporting purposes and, eventually, for sending you advertising or commercial proposals about other Mevis products.
- We don't sell or rent Users' Data to any third parties for any purpose.